Virtual Enhanced Reality for inTeroperable traIning of CBRN military and civilian Operators” (VERTIgO)

The increased awareness of the potential of VR technology to support simulation and training procedures has led several EU MS to set up research initiatives, aimed at building application cases and delineate their concrete advantages and limits. Nevertheless, the approach is fragmented and heterogeneous. The project “Virtual Enhanced Reality for inTeroperable traIning of CBRN military and civilian Operators” (VERTIgO) supports an integrated approach to conflicts and disaster relief by virtualization and simulation of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) defence training. The project’s overall objective is the validation of a European Exercise Simulation Platform (EESP) for virtual reality (VR) applications to CBRN training, complemented by the prototyping of an ad-hoc hardware solution, which integrates a VR headset and CBRN mask for enhanced realism and user experience. On 21 May 2024, IAI hosted the final event of the VERTIgO project.
Funding: EDIDP - European Defence Industrial Development Programme; Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo