The finalists of the sixth edition of the IAI Prize "Young talents for Italy, Europe and the world" have been shortlisted. Their essays on the topic "How to escape the energy crisis by reconciling security and the transition?" -...Newsview
Now in its second year, the IAI-University of Turin Essay Prize is an initiative launched by IAI’s Italian Foreign Policy Programme – in the context of the Institute’s Strategic Partnership with the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation – and the...Eventview
On 9 November the finalists of the fifth edition of the IAI Prize will discuss their ideas in a public meeting with personalities from the political, cultural and scientific world. During the event Roberta Metsola and Pina Picierno will receive...Eventview
IAI Papers 13/10/2022
A Regime Unveiled
Walter Posch
Rome, IAI, October 2022, 10 p.
In: IAI Papers 22|26
IAI Papers 31/05/2022
Russian Youth: Their Attitude to the Ruling Elite and Political Processes
Denis Volkov
Rome, IAI, May 2022, 13 p.
In: IAI Papers 22|14
IAI Commentaries 30/06/2021
Youth-Driven Climate Justice is Key to Achieving the Paris Goals
Giulia Sofia Sarno
Rome, IAI, June 2021, 5 p.
In: IAI Commentaries 21|32
Bachelor’s and Master’s dissertation award IAI-Department of Culture, Politics and Society University of Turin
IAI, with the support of the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, promotes the Bachelor’s and Master’s dissertation award ‘Italy and International...leggi tutto -
RADAR: Raising Awareness on Disinformation, Achieving Resilience
RADAR addresses the topics of countering disinformation, enabling democratic participation and engaging youth in policy-making. It comprises 12 Work...leggi tutto -
This project (2022-2026), coordinated by the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), will assess the EU’s...leggi tutto
Researcher; Head of the Educational Programme