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Understanding international developments and challenges, while developing proposals and strategies to address them, requires a set of skills and capabilities that IAI has acquired in over 50 years of research, publishing and networking activities.

Our analysis, dissemination and training activities target institutions, the media, civil society and academia. Moreover, particular attention is devoted to responding to the needs of companies operating in international contexts.

Membership offers a wide range of advantages: numerous meetings and debates with major political and institutional decision makers in Italy, Europe and the world; specialized consultancy, on-demand training and private meetings with internationally renowned personalities.

Support from our members – through membership fees and participation in IAI activities – plays a crucial role in preserving the Institute's independence not only in economic terms but also in the realm of ideas and the identification of research topics of interest for businesses and institutions.

IAI members are drawn from different geographical and professional backgrounds, including private citizens and small and large businesses. The following may be members of the Institute, subject to approval by the Assembly:

  • individual members (Italian or foreign citizens);
  • collective members (businesses, entities, associations, institutes, legal persons in general, Italian or foreign). (art. 3 of the Statute)

In order to ensure a match between IAI’s services and the needs of corporate members, we have envisaged three types of association: Silver, Gold e Platinum.

For further details, please contact us at: