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The Institute is pleased to have joined the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) and its network of civil society institutions and associations....


IAI’s message to the next government, signed by President Ferdinando Nelli Feroci and Director Nathalie Tocci, as published in...


Elections in Russia delivered a fourth term to president Putin, who will retain power in Moscow until ...


On 22 March 2018, the Australian Embassy in Italy and IAI co-hosted a discussion on ‘foreign policy in a fast-moving world’ at the Australian ambassador’s residence in Rome. Stefano Polli, deputy...


Eu-Turkey cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean was addressed in a conference, on March 21, promoted by the International Affairs...


On 27 February 2018 the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) hosted a closed-door discussion entitled "Towards a New Thinking on the Western Balkans". The event was attended by representatives of...


If it's true that liberalism and American power have profoundly contributed to shaping our world, producing and defining the so-called liberal...


The recent success of the launch of Space X’s Falcon Heavy rocket has cast light upon the future of space rockets. The issue has been recently addressed in a...


Relations between the European Union and India have been growing in quantity and quality in the last years, while ties between Delhi and Rome are enjoying a new start. The 14th EU-India Summit,...


Italy's national elections failed to produce a winner with enough support to form a parliamentary majority, leaving few options for any new government...
