Closed-door seminar within the framework of the project EvoCS
Workshop within the framework of the project EU-CIVCAP
IAI-IPIS (Institute for Political and International Studies) round table
"The question is not what the challenges are, it's whether our liberal democracies are able tackle them". IAI's Director Nathalie Tocci took part...
Future prospects for the Sahel region - with particular attention to Niger, Senegal and Sudan - and possible strategies to be...
Alessandro ALFIERI, Partito Democratico, Manlio DI STEFANO, Movimento 5 Stelle, Giancarlo GIORGETTI, Lega Nord, Costanza HERMANIN...
Conversation with Tehmina Janjua, Foreign Secretary of Pakistan
International conference to present the results of the project "The security-migration-development nexus revised: a perspective from the Sahel".
The conference will discuss six policy...
In his interview with Energy Union Watch, the IAI's quarterly bulletin on energy and climate, the Italian Minister of the...
IAI hosted Italy's launch of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (J.E.D.I), a Franco-German project bringing together companies and institutions with the aim...