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This event will aim at presenting the results of “Africa’s Energy Future”, the joint research conducted by the Energy Security Transition (EST) Lab @energycenter – Politecnico di Torino and...


The course “Previsione di Rischio e Analisi di Scenario” aims at providing participants with the tools to understand how government decisions, political events of local or global scope, macro...


The course “Analista Euro-Mediterraneo”, now in its eight edition, aims at providing participants with the necessary tools to understand and explain the political-strategic, economic and social...


From the Taliban’s takeover of power following the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, to the protracted conflicts in Syria and Libya, from the on-going armed clashes in the Tigray region...


The T20 has established itself as a global forum for reviewing evidence-based policies and proposals while helping refine and promote the G20’s shared objectives...


Differentiated integration has been and will remain a necessity if Europe wants to overcome stalemate and improve the functioning of the European integration process. According to...


The race to battle Covid-19 and secure personal protective equipment, ventilators and vaccines, aggravated by both nationalist monopolistic policies and the rise...



IAI, T20 Italy National Co-chair and TIRN (Trade and Invetsment Research Network), a cross-country, independent, network of trade and investment policy researchers jointly organized the...


What are the elements and the impact of the inclusion of scientific cooperation within the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in support of the Belt and Road Initiative (...
