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A talk with Clément Beaune (French Secretary of State for European Affairs) and Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (President, IAI).
Chair: Francesco De Leo ...


The National People's Congress (NPC) met between 5-11 March and next July the Chinese Communist party is presenting Beijing’s 14th Five-Year-Plan (FYP) that will...


The debate about European strategic autonomy has picked up again. First used and agreed by the European Union in 2013, by the fall of 2020, European strategic autonomy had become...


China has imposed retaliatory sanctions on 10 individuals & 4 institutions in Europe. We represent over 30 directors of European research institutions concerned that this targeting undermines...


After the signing of the memorandum of understanding between Italy and China, what have been the developments in the port and financial fields? Through the analysis of four experts, the webinar is...


A key success factor for post-pandemic growth will be the capacity to restart infrastructure investments. Many countries are shifting their policies from limiting...


Tourism has been one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. The IAI, as Co-Chair of T20, will hold a webinar “How to...


On 29 April 2021, IAI and the VCDNP will hold the Second Outreach Event of the “Young Women and Next Generation Initiative”. The event will see...


Protests against Lukashenko continue in Belarus where strikes are asking for new elections and where 7.000 have been arrested. On April 30, 2021...


Challenges to EU foreign and security policy have been mounting in recent years. Many factors, such as the global engagement of the US, compel the EU and its member states to...
