News > Defence industry

On 27 and 28 February 2020, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Nato Defense College (NDC) organized a closed-door workshop on “Military Technology: Risks and Opportunities for the...


In recent years, the proliferation of dual-use drones has increased the intensity of the hybrid and asymmetric threat these products may pose. Their technological...


Seminar organized as part of IAI's strategic partnership with the Compagnia di San Paolo, and in cooperation with the Centro Studi sul Federalismo. Experts, practitioners and stakeholders...


Europe is divided regarding the future of European air forces and aerospace industries. The Franco-German FCAS project and the British "...


With six months to go until the UK leaves the EU, a divorce deal seems still far from being reached. This leaves plenty of unsolved questions regarding the nature of the future EU-UK...


Nine months ahead of UK withdrawal from the EU, there is no certainty over the outcome of ongoing Brexit negotiations. A IAI study...


IAI presents at Leonardo headquarter in Rome the study "Looking Through the Fog of Brexit: Scenarios and Implications for the European Defence Industry", discussed by a roundtable including...


The agenda of the next European Council on 28-29th June sees as priority also security and defence. Among the military capabilities needed by EU countries...


The recent success of the launch of Space X’s Falcon Heavy rocket has cast light upon the future of space rockets. The issue has been recently addressed in a...


Final conference of the EU-US Security Strategies project
