News > Italy's European policy

In no small part as a result of the government’s posture on the EU, Italy appears to be more isolated than ever in Europe. In the run-up to the May European elections...


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies Committees V (Budget) and XIV (EU Policies) - 26 March 2019

Informal hearing of Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, president of the Istituto...


How much confidence do Italians have in the European Union? And what are their views about its policies? This is the main theme of the recent opinion survey carried out by the Institute for...


On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization officially defined the epidemic crisis generated by COVID-19 as “pandemic”. What do Italians think of the action of the government and of the...


While Italy is struggling to recover from the more acute phase of the Covid-19 epidemic, the government is facing a number of burning foreign policy issues. In addition to those that concern Italy...


The event will discuss the main aspects of the country's international position and action, ranging from alliances and the controversial relation between the people and the foreign policy,...
