News > European Union

The European Union welcomes Angela Merkel's re-election as Germany's chancellor, but also witnesses the historic breakthrough of...


Delivering his annual State of the Union address, Jean-Claude Juncker called for a more integrated Europe and set out ambitious proposals for its...


The European Union’s Court of Justice riaffirmed the EU's founding principle of solidarity, rejecting legal action by Hungary...


In  2014, in the wake of the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, initiated an intergovernmental process with the countries...


Is there a future for Italy outside Europe? Presentation of the book "La tentazione di andarsene" [=The temptation to leave], by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, published by Il Mulino


Conference organised by the Embassy of Hungary in cooperation with the Embassy of Poland, the Embassy of Czech Republic and the Embassy of Slovakia


The EU Global Strategy of 2016 identified five strategic priorities actions: security & defence, building resilience and taking an integrated approach, strengthening the internal/external...


Conference co-organised by IAI, South Korean Embassy and University of Naples “L’Orientale” within the framework of the Korean Culture Week


First "SIS-IAI Lecture on International Affairs", in cooperation with the School of International Studies (SIS) of the University of Trento.



Turkey and the European Union need to rebuild the mutual confidence that has been 'poisoned' by the spread of negative tendencies, particularly...
