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Fit-for-55: Opportunities in Sustainable Mobility for Europe and Italy

11/11/2021, Webinar

On 14 July 2021, the European Commission published the ‘Fit-for-55’ package to achieve the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% between now and 2030. The Commission’s proposals are being examined by the European Parliament and by the Council of the EU, while various stakeholders are responding to a public consultation. This discussion takes place under special circumstances, when record high energy prices dominate the public debate.

Fit-for-55 strives to make mobility more sustainable and contains proposals that could transform the transport sector. These include the extension of the Emissions Trading System (ETS) to the maritime sector and the creation of a parallel ETS for road transport; the Regulation on CO₂ emission performance standards for cars and vans; the ‘Fuel EU Maritime’ and ‘ReFuel EU Aviation’ Regulations; and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). Other measures, such as the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), introduce incentives for low-carbon energy in transportation.

Countries and companies are eager to catch the opportunities offered by Fit-for-55 and accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility. At the same time, they are also discussing the potential drawbacks of some measures and advising the Commission on how to properly consider all the interrelations between the various proposals. This webinar, organized by IAI and supported by Edison, will be an occasion to deepen our knowledge on the implications of Fit-for-55 for sustainable mobility in Europe and Italy and advance the public debate on the topic.


Introduction, closing and moderation
Luca Franza, Head of EU Institutional Affairs, Edison SpA and Scientific Advisor, IAI

Enrico Giovannini, Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Italy
Fit-for-55 and the opportunities for sustainable mobility and transport in Italy

Nicola Monti, Chief Executive Officer, Edison SpA
The role of the private sector in accelerating the transition to sustainable mobility and transport

Mona Björklund, Director, Policy Coordination, DG MOVE
Zooming in on the European Commission’s proposals

Nathalie Tocci, Director, IAI
The energy transition and transport: the social, economic, and political dimension

Q&A session