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RESIST PROJECT – REsilience Support for critical Infrastructures through Standardized Training on CBRN

15/12/2021, Webinar

RESIST is a European project led by the SAFE Foundation aims to train critical infrastructure operators in the management of CBRN events. The project, which began in November 2019, involved critical infrastructures such as ports and airports, hospitals, research centers in the energy, nuclear and space sectors, in Italy and Romania. Over the last months, various operators of Italian and Romanian critical infrastructures have taken part in the training courses held at the NBC Defense School in Rieti. The courses were structured on a series of modules divided by themes, from CBRN risks, to communication management and the psychological aspects of the emergency. The main results will be presented at a dedicated event on December 15th, hosted by IAI and organized by the Italian Cluster CBRN-P3 (Prepare, Prevent, Protect), with the participation of institutional representatives together with project partners.

Working language: Italian


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