ENSURED - Transforming and Defending Multilateralism: European Union Support for more Robust, Effective and Democratic Global Governance

ENSURED is a collaborative project consisting of 14 partners from all around the word, whose aim is to understand how the EU and its Member States can defend and transform the multilateral system to make it stronger, more effective and democratic to adapt to a complex and ever-changing world. To do so, it aims to identify new models of cooperation, best practices and interconnections to solve complex and intersecting challenges.
Within the ENSURED project, IAI leads the working group 7 on global digital governance. The working group focuses on the regulation of cyberspace, with particular regard to cybersecurity and data governance; digital currencies; and the regulation of artificial intelligence. IAI will contribute investigating ongoing governance efforts in these realms by multilateral institutions (such as the UN Group of Governmental Experts or the OECD), through frameworks (such as the Internet Governance Forum), as well as through intergovernmental fora (like the G7 or G20).
Funding: European Commission
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