Publications > Tutti, Francia + Italia + Libia + Mediterraneo + Migrazione


Lead Groups in EU Foreign Policy: The Cases of Iran and Ukraine

Riccardo Alcaro, Marco Siddi

In: Other papers and articles

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EU Open Strategic Autonomy in a Post-Covid World

Fabrizio Botti, Cristina Castelli, Giulio Giangaspero

In: IAI Papers 21|37

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Le traité bilatéral : un seuil dans les relations France-Italie

Jean Pierre Darnis

In: Other papers and articles

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Une diplomatie à la hauteur de ses ambitions ?

Nicoletta Pirozzi

In: Other papers and articles

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Media and Securitisation: The Influence on Perception

Alberto Tagliapietra

In: IAI Papers 21|34

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EU Differentiation in Border, Asylum and Police Cooperation: Drivers, Effectiveness and Crisis

Emmanuel Comte, Sandra Lavenex

In: EU IDEA Papers Research Paper 11

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Climate Change and Sustainability: Mediterranean Perspectives

Andrea Dessì, Daniele Fattibene, Flavia Fusco

In: IAI Research Studies 6

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Controllo parlamentare sull'esportazione dei sistemi d'arma: modelli comparati

Alessandro Marrone, Ottavia Credi, Michele Nones

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 180

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