Publications > Tutti, Francia + Italia + Libia + Mediterraneo + Migrazione


What role should southern Europe play after the pandemic and the war in Ukraine?

Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, Asli Selin Okyay

In: Other papers and articles

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The Middle East and North Africa in 2021: brewing crises and geopolitical re-alignments

Roberto Aliboni, Francesca Caruso, Andrea Dessì

In: Other papers and articles

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Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean

Flavia Fusco

In: Documenti IAI 22|04

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Russian Energy Exports and the Conflict in Ukraine: What Options for Italy and the EU?

Margherita Bianchi, Pier Paolo Raimondi

In: IAI Commentaries 22|13

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The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Libya, UAE, Egypt and Iraq

Martin Keulertz, Rabi Mohtar

In: IAI Papers 22|01

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Italy in the International Hydrogen Economy

Marco Giuli

In: Other papers and articles

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Addressing the Security-Climate-Migration Nexus in South Asia

Thin Lei Win, Michael Werz

In: Other papers and articles

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Addressing the Security-Climate-Migration Nexus in the Sahel

Francesco Iacoella, Luca Barana, Asli Selin Okyay

In: Other papers and articles

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Decolonising (Knowledge on) Euro–Mediterranean Relations

Daniela Huber, Lorenzo Kamel

In: IAI Research Studies 7

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Lessons from the T20: Five Priorities for Italian Infrastructure Investment

Fulvio Bersanetti, Nicola Bilotta, Raffaele Della Croce

In: IAI Commentaries 22|01

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