The European Union's Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy. Performance and Contestation

This book looks at European Union (EU)'s attempts to manage the risks associated with nuclear non-proliferation and assesses its performance and external challenges. The introductory section delves into current academic scholarship, elucidating the concepts of contestation and performance. The second section provides an overview of the historical and institutional evolution, and the third scrutinises the performance. The final section examines present policy, with case studies on the EU's bilateral relations with Iran and India. Adopting a focus on both the development and performance of the EU’s non-proliferation and disarmament policy, as well as its contestation from non-Western countries, this book provides a solid and innovative contribution to existing debates on both the EU’s non-proliferation and foreign policy.
London/New York, Routledge, January 2025, vi, 220 p. -
978-1-032-78719-0, 978-1-032-86796-0 (pbk); 978-1-003-52922-4 (ebk); 10.4324/9781003529224
Part I: Historical and Political Context
1. The History of Nuclear Programmes and Non-proliferation in Europe
2 The Institutional Set-Up of the European Union’s Nuclear Non-proliferation Policy: The EU as a Normative Power
Part II: EU Action in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
3. The EU and the NPT Review Conferences
4. The EU, Export Controls, and the Nuclear Suppliers Group
5. The EU’s Assistance for Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
6. The EU and Nuclear Disarmament
Part III: The EU in the face of Proliferation Crises
7. The EU and Iran’s Nuclear Programme
8. The EU and India’s Nuclear Programme
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