ISSN: 2610-9603
Director: Riccardo Alcaro
IAI Papers reflect the work being conducted within IAI research projects and areas of expertise and are aimed at stimulating reactions from other experts in the field. They present concise analytical and/or policy-oriented analysis of topical issues in Italian, European and global affairs.
Guidelines for authors (EN, 30 kb).
For titles published before 2018 see IAI Working Papers.
Mapping Scenarios of Differentiated EUrope 2025–2035
Matteo Bonomi
In: IAI Papers 23|04
Small-scale LNG in the Euro-Mediterranean
Pier Paolo Raimondi
In: IAI Papers 23|02
China’s Police and Satellite Cooperation with Autocratic Countries
Chisako T. Masuo
In: IAI Papers 23|01
Europe’s Area of Maritime Interest in Northeast Asia
Philip Shetler-Jones
In: IAI Papers 22|33
Towards European “Smart Communities”? EU’s Energy Preoccupations and the Lesson of Post-Fukushima Japan
Marco Zappa
In: IAI Papers 22|32
Naval Defence Cooperation in the EU: Potential and Hurdles
Elio Calcagno, Ana E. Juncos, Sophie Vanhoonacker
In: IAI Papers 22|31