Documents produced in the framework of the strategic partnership between IAI and the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), a program aimed at exploring the possibilities of cooperation between the United States and Europe in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
GCC Economic Presence in the Mediterranean and the Outlook for EU-GCC Cooperation
Valeria Talbot
In: Mediterranean Papers 9
Reform in Libya: Chimera or Reality?
Alison Pargeter
In: Mediterranean Papers 8
Libya's Foreign Policy: Drivers and Objectives
George Joffé, Emanuela Paoletti
In: Mediterranean Papers 7
The Law of the Sea and Mediterranean Security
Natalino Ronzitti
In: Mediterranean Papers 6
Maritime Security and the Fight Against Drug Trafficking in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Approaches
Vincenzo Delicato
In: Mediterranean Papers 5
The Fight Against the Smuggling of Migrants in the Mediterranean
Vincenzo Delicato
In: Mediterranean Papers 4
Maritime Security in the Mediterranean
Basil Germond, Eric Grove
In: Mediterranean Papers 3
Transatlantic Cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa and the Growing Role of Gulf States
Tobias Schumacher
In: Mediterranean Papers 2