Fighting Illegal Logging in Europe
Lorenzo Colantoni, Giulia Sofia Sarno, Margherita Bianchi
In: Other papers and articles
Tackling Uncertainty: Turkish-EU Foreign Policy Cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa
Andrea Dessì, Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Daniela Huber
In: Other papers and articles
The EU Approach to Space Traffic Management
Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone
In: Other papers and articles
Enlarging to the Western Balkans. The EU Must Correct Its (Political) Math
Zoran Nechev, Matteo Bonomi
In: Other papers and articles
Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe. An Assessment of Trends, Players and Action
Lorenzo Colantoni, Giulia Sofia Sarno, Margherita Bianchi
In: Other papers and articles
Approaches to STM across the world
Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone
In: Other papers and articles
Global Health and International Cooperation
Daniele Fattibene
In: Other papers and articles
A Congested Space and its Safety
Giancarlo La Rocca, Karolina Muti, Alessandro Marrone
In: Other papers and articles