Augmented Capability for High End Soldier - ACHILE
Start/End: 2022 - 2026IAI is participating to a 5-year European funded project on the development of combat systems and next generation equipment for infantry soldier. IAI’s role consists in organizing the European...
Routes of dètente: maritime security and cooperation scenarios through the Red Sea
Start/End: 2024 - 2025In recent months, the Red Sea has become a focal point of the expanding conflict between Israel and Hamas, with repercussions not only on the stability of the Middle East but also on global trade...
Academic seminars on European and Transatlantic Security
Start/End: 2022 - currentSince 2022, IAI has held every year an academic seminar on Europe’s security, NATO and European defence, in light of the Russia-Ukraine war and considering an international security environment...
Partnership with NATO Defense College
Start/End: 2011 - currentSince 2011, IAI and NATO Defense College (NDC) collaborate on several initiatives aiming at stimulating debates on themes concerning Euro-Atlantic security, the role of the...
Academic conferences in cooperation with NATO Allied Command Transformation and Bologna University
Start/End: 2011 - currentThis series of international academic conferences - sponsored by NATO's Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and organised by IAI, in partnership with Bologna University - does contribute to a...
Cyber, electronic warfare and the electromagnetic spectrum: implications for space
Start/End: 2024 - 2024The project aims to stimulate the reflection on the overwhelming strategic importance of the space domain, the consequent implications for the country-system, and the need to protect its assets...
Strategic competition in Space and space economy: challenges and opportunities for Italy
Start/End: 2022 - 2023In the confrontation between powers, space has played an essential role in the past and strategic competition continues to characterize the space environment, perceived by world powers as the "...
Strengthening Italy’s foreign policy community
Start/End: 2022 - 2023The project was aimed at fostering regular dialogue between Italian diplomats and international affairs experts, departing from the premise that plurality of ideas and perspectives enriches the...
The future of military helicopters between technological innovation and war’s lessons learned
Start/End: 2022 - 2023The helicopter sector is about to make a generational leap forward in military, technological, and industrial terms, which entails both challenges and opportunities for Europe, also in light of...
Study on National Industrial Strategies and Policies in EDA participating Member States relevant for the European Defence Industrial Base
Start/End: 2021 - 2022The Russia-Ukraine war has negatively changed the international strategic environment, including the naval domain in respect to both European maritime security and naval combat systems. In face of...