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Academic seminars on European and Transatlantic Security

2022 - current

Since 2022, IAI has held every year an academic seminar on Europe’s security, NATO and European defence, in light of the Russia-Ukraine war and considering an international security environment increasingly multipolar and tense. In this context, particular attention is paid to Italian defence policy, with respect to three traditional dimensions: European, transatlantic and enlarged Mediterranean ones.

Every yearly seminar brings on these issues an academic, multidisciplinary, wide-ranging reflection with a long-term perspective. It is a closed-doors meeting under Chatham House Rule and participation is exclusively in person, in order to encourage a frank and critical discussion. The seminar takes place in a roundtable format, it is traditionally divided into two sessions, and features an interactive and inclusive debate among participants. The initiative involves Italian academics and IAI researchers, aiming for a broad and diversified participation of Italian universities, including PhD students and young professionals in this sector. The project is carried out with the support of the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

The first academic seminar took place at IAI on 13th October 2022, focusing on “Russia-Ukraine war: implications for international relations and euro-atlantic security” , which has been the theme also of the event’s second edition on 4th July 2023.

The third and most recent academic seminar took place on 25th September 2024, titled “NATO and Italian defence policy in a multi-polar world”.


Funding: Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo