InvigoratEU: Invigorating Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy for a Resilient Europe
Start/End: 2024 - 2026“How can the EU invigorate its enlargement and neighbourhood policy to enhance Europe’s resilience?"
This project aims to investigate how to reform the EU’s enlargement strategy in a new... -
Start/End: 2022 - 2026This project (2022-2026), coordinated by the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing...
REWEU: (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement
Start/End: 2024 - 2026The project (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement (REWEU) is focused on the commemoration of the 2004 “big bang” EU enlargement at the occasion of its 20th...
RECLAIM: Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in Europe
Start/End: 2022 - 2025RECLAIM addresses the challenge of post-truth politics for the future of liberal democracy in Europe. The project focuses on the concept of liberal democracy in the 21st century with the stated...
REGROUP: Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic
Start/End: 2022 - 2025The REGROUP project aims to: 1) provide the European Union with a body of actionable advice on how to rebuild postpandemic governance and public policies in an effective and democratic way;...
Italian-German Strategic Dialogue
Start/End: 2022 - currentThe Italian-German Strategic Dialogue (IGSD) is the continuation of the Italian-German Strategic Forum, organized by the IAI since 2016 on an almost annual basis. From the outset, the aim of the...
Nexus25 - Shaping Multilateralism
Start/End: 2021 - currentNexus25 - Shaping Multilateralism is a project carried out by IAI in partnership with the Center for Climate and Security in Washington, a part of the Council on Strategic Risks and is funded by...
The future of EU enlargement: Accelerating European integration in the Western Balkans
Start/End: 2021 - currentThe outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has tested the EU’s cohesion and effectiveness not only with regard to its internal governance, but also with regard to its relationship with neighbouring...
Van Wittel-Vanvitelli Roundtable
Start/End: 2019 - currentIn spite of differences, Italy and the Netherlands are both founding members of the European Union and share a common outlook in a number of policy areas that are crucial to the EU’s future. The...
European Think-Tanks Group (ETTG)
Start/End: 2017 - currentIAI is part of the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) together with five other leading European international cooperation think tanks: the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS...