Research > Americhe + Mediterraneo e Medioriente + Politica estera italiana, Francia + Grecia + Italia + Mediterraneo + Politica estera dell'Italia + Relazioni transatlantiche + Spagna

  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 8. ed.

    The eighth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium was held in Rome on October 26th, 2015. The conference focused on “Challenges to European Security. A Transatlantic Perspective". The...
    Start/End: 2015
  • New-Med Research Network: The Future of Cooperation in the Mediterranean

    Established in June 2014, the New-Med Research Network is an independent research and engagement initiative combining track II and track I.5 formats to address underlining security and socio-...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Conflict Prevention in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

    In 1996 the International Affairs Institute (IAI) begun a study aimed at concretely determining which measures of conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy can be implemented to set up the area of...
    Start/End: 1997
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 11. ed.

    The 11th edition of IAI's Transatlantic Security Symposium took place in Rome on 28 October 2019 at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The closed-door workshop –...
    Start/End: 2019
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 14. ed.

    The 14th edition of the Transatlantic Symposium, the annual forum where experts and officials from the US, the EU and other countries discuss the main items in the transatlantic agenda, has focused...
    Start/End: 2022
  • IAI University Road Show: Italian Foreign Policy

    In the framework of its strategic partnership with the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, every year IAI publishes a report on Italian foreign policy that analyses the government's actions in various...
    Start/End: 2022
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 10. ed.

    The tenth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium took place Rome on 14-15 June 2018 at Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The seminar - Transatlantic Security in an Age of Uncertainty -...
    Start/End: 2018
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 9. ed.

    The ninth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium was held in Rome on 29-30 September 2016 at Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conference focused on “Europe’s Security Governance and...
    Start/End: 2016
  • POWER2YOUTH - Freedom, dignity and justice

    Power2Youth is a consortium made up of 12 institutes and universities funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The project studied the causes and effects of processes of...
    Start/End: 2014
  • IAI report on Italian foreign policy

    Since 2014 the institute has been producing a comprehensive report on Italy's presence and interests in the international arena, the state of the art and the strategic priorities of Italian foreign...
    Start/End: 2014
  • IAI-OCP Strategic Partnership on Mediterranean Issues

    At the end of 2012, IAI launched a strategic partnership with the OCP Policy Center in Rabat dealing with Mediterranean issues This three-year research and outreach endeavoured leverages IAI's...
    Start/End: 2012
  • MEDPRO - Prospective analysis for the Mediterranean region

    MEDPRO is a consortium of 17 institutions from throughout the Mediterranean, funded under the EU's 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). The...
    Start/End: 2010
  • Prospettive transatlantiche sul Mediterraneo e il Medio Oriente

    In July 2001, the IAI initiated a project aimed at examining and promoting on a regular basis a common transatlantic perspective on security cooperation in the Middle East and the Mediterranean areas...
    Start/End: 2002
  • Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission - EuroMeSCo

    IAI participates in the activities EuroMeSCo - the euro-Mediterranean network of non-governmental institutions dealing with foreign policy and security. Between 2015 and 2019, IAI was part of a...
    Start/End: 1996
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 15. ed.

    The Transatlantic Symposium 2023-24 has reflected upon the trends and geopolitical implications of transatlantic economic policies and cooperation on technology development and governance. The...
    Start/End: 2023
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 12. ed.

    The 12th edition of IAI's Transatlantic Symposium took place on 5 November 2020. The event was held online due to travel and convening restrictions imposed by governments across Europe and the US to...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Osservatorio IAI-ISPI sulla politica estera italiana

    This project put Italian foreign policy at the center of the debate and investigated Italy's objectives, strategies and actions on the European and international chessboard. The Observatory on...
    Start/End: 2018
  • The Food Security Challenge in the Middle East and North Africa and the Role of the EU

    At the beginning of 2014, IAI and the OCP Policy Center have launched a new research project on the topics of food security in the Middle East and North Africa and on the role of the European Union....
    Start/End: 2014
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 7. ed.

    The seventh edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium took place on 20 October 2014 in Rome. The conference focused on "A Cold Peace? Western-Russian Relations in Light of the Ukraine Crisis"...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 3. ed.

    The third edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium: European Security and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship, took place on November 8, 2010, in Rome. The conference was organised in...
    Start/End: 2010