Research > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Mediterraneo e Medioriente + Politica estera italiana, Egitto + Libia + Mediterraneo + Migrazione + Politica estera dell'Italia + Unione europea

  • EU governance by self co-ordination? Towards a collective 'gouvernement économique' (GOVECOR)

    As part of TEPSA, the IAI participated in an international project focussing on comparative analysis of the impact on European Union member countries of economic policies managed directly by the...
    Start/End: 2002
  • Governing the European currency: legal and institutional aspect

    The aim of this study, carried out in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, was to analyze the rules relative to the institution of the European Monetary Union and its...
    Start/End: 1997
  • Italian foreign policy yearbook

    Published since 2010 to 2013 by il Mulino, the yearbook La politica estera dell'Italia [=Italy's foreign policy] examined Italy's role and action in a rapidly changing international scenario. Edited...
    Start/End: 2010
  • Cooperation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East

    This program - launched in 2009 on the basis of a strategic partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) (see press release) - aimed at exploring the possibilities of...
    Start/End: 2009
  • Italian foreign policy chronology

    From 2009 to 2011 (see Yearbooks 2010-2012), the IAI has published a detailed chronology of Italy's foreign policy that offered relevant and up-to-dated information on the international role of Italy...
    Start/End: 2009
  • EU-28 Watch (former EU-27 Watch)

    The EU-28 Watch - edited by IEP, Berlin - monitored debates on EU policy since 2004 and provided a rich set of material compiling national debates on European policy. It reviewed the discourses on...
    Start/End: 2004