Nexus25 - Shaping Multilateralism
Start/End: 2021 - currentNexus25 - Shaping Multilateralism is a project carried out by IAI in partnership with the Center for Climate and Security in Washington, a part of the Council on Strategic Risks and is funded by...
Green Deal Watch
Start/End: 2020 - currentThe aim of the “Green Deal Watch” project is to follow the evolution of the ambitious and cross-cutting “European Green Deal” strategy towards climate neutrality launched by the Von der Leyen...
Climate mitigation, energy and food security goals within the Italian G7 Presidency
Start/End: 2024 - 2024In 2024 Italy holds the Group of 7 (G7) Presidency, hosting ministerial meetings throughout the year and the leaders’ summit in June, at a very delicate time for global, European and Italian...
EU Climate Action Dialogues. The Future of the EU - make climate action its trademark
Start/End: 2020 - 2022The project aims at analysing the role and the potential of the Conference on the Future of the EU in anchoring climate policies in the EU reform process. Project activities include monitoring of...
Towards the COP26: a 'green recovery' for a sustainable and prosperous world
Start/End: 2020 - 2021The project promoted an informed debate in view of the high-level international events guided or co-led by Italy in 2021, a decisive year for climate action: the G20, the 'Youth4Climate 2020:...
Governance and security in the Sahel: tackling mobility, demography and climate change
Start/End: 2018 - 2019The research firstly analysed the factors underpinning good governance in the Sahel, and secondly considered how the quality of governance is influenced by and can affect the management of...
The geopolitics of Climate and Energy Transition
Start/End: 2018 - 2018The project - realized in collaboration with the Belfer Center - Kennedy School of Government of the University of Harvard, and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...