JOINT – Understanding and Strengthening EU Foreign & Security Policy in a Complex and Contested World
Start/End: 2021 - 2024Challenges to EU foreign and security policy have been mounting in recent years. The dwindling global engagement of the US and the growing assertiveness of Russia and China compel the EU and its...
EU-CIVCAP - Preventing and responding to conflict: developing EU CIVilian CAPabilities for a sustainable peace
Start/End: 2015 - 2018Preventing the outbreak of conflicts and promoting a sustainable peace remains a key challenge for policy-makers and analysts. The EU and Member States should acquire adequate capabilities in...
CIVILEX- Supporting European Civilian External Actions
Start/End: 2016 - 2017CIVILEX has the objective to identify the communication and information systems in use within the EU Civilian missions, understand stakeholders’ requirements and offer possible recommendations for...
Putting the EUGS into action: developing EU/EDA added value in support of security and defence
Start/End: 2016 - 2016The project “Putting the EUGS into action: developing EU/EDA added value in support of security and defence”, coordinated by IAI, sought to concretize the EUGS provisions of direct relevance to...
EU crisis management missions and the role of Italy
Start/End: 2009 - 2014The objective of this research project is to assess the evolution of EU crisis management missions and the participation of Italy. In particular, it aims to evaluate the effectiveness of EU...
ICPA (ISR Capability Package Assessment study)
Start/End: 2011 - 2012Through the definition and analysis of specific operational scenarios derived from Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions, the project aims at identifying and assess current gaps in...
Democratic control of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)
Start/End: 2010 - 2011As a follow-up to the seminar organized at the European Parliament in Brussels on November 15, 2010 in cooperation with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), and the research work...
Space and Security: the use of space in the context of CSDP
Start/End: 2011 - 2011The study, prepared for the European Parliament, includes a twofold analysis. First, an analysis of CSDP missions and their operational context to be matched with the main space-based applications...
EU crisis management: institutions and capabilities in the making
Start/End: 2010 - 2010The research aims at examining the latest developments in the area of ESDP/CSDP and to outlininge future scenarios for crisis management carried out by the European Union.