From the Convention to the IGC: Mapping Cross-National Views towards an EU-30 (CONVEU)
CONVEU -- a project supported by the European Commission as part of the PRINCE programme -- started in September 2002 and ended in June 2003. The project involved a network of eight institutes...Start/End: 2002 - 2003 -
EU governance by self co-ordination? Towards a collective 'gouvernement économique' (GOVECOR)
As part of TEPSA, the IAI participated in an international project focussing on comparative analysis of the impact on European Union member countries of economic policies managed directly by the...Start/End: 2002 - 2002 -
Governing the European currency: legal and institutional aspect
Start/End: 1997 - 2002The aim of this study, carried out in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, was to analyze the rules relative to the institution of the European Monetary Union and...
La dimensione spaziale della Politica Europea di Sicurezza e Difesa
Start/End: 2001 - 2002This research project examined the prospects for adopting space technology in implementing the European security and defence policy in the framework of transatlantic cooperation. During the first...
La politica estera e di sicurezza europea: sviluppi politici e istituzionali e il ruolo dell'Italia
Start/End: 2001 - 2002Carried out in collaboration with CeSPI, this project analysed three aspects of European security: institutional problems, emblematic cases of implementation of the common foreign and security...
Early Warning and Conflict Prevention in the Euro-Med Area
Start/End: 2000 - 2001In 2000 the International Affairs Institute (IAI) launched a project aimed at creating a first nucleus of capabilities in conflict prevention in the Euro-Mediterranean framework, with a view to...
The international relations of the European Union in light of the innovations made to the Treaty of Amsterdam
Start/End: 1999 - 2001This was the second phase of the project initiated in 1999 entitled "The European Union after the revision of Maastricht: the Treaty of Amsterdam". The research was conducted in collaboration with...
The Northern Dimension of the CFSP
Start/End: 1998 - 2000Launched at the end of 1998 in collaboration with the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, and the Institut für Europäische Politik, Bonn, this extensive research project centered...
Conflict Prevention in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Start/End: 1997 - 1998In 1996 the International Affairs Institute (IAI) begun a study aimed at concretely determining which measures of conflict prevention and preventive diplomacy can be implemented to set up the area...