G8 Working Group
The initiative, conceived of by two prestigious international research institutes - The Institute for International Economics, Washington, and the Tokyo Foundation - involved setting up an international Working Group composed of highest level scholars and experts of various extraction from all G-8 countries with the task of formulating selected proposals for the G-8 summit held at Genoa in July. Among the participants: Henry Kissinger, Renato Ruggiero, Paul Volcker. In this context, the IAI was involved in preparing the final document of the Working Group on issues relating to trade and global governance.
This document was discussed at an international seminar on 2-3 July 2001, officially launched at a press conference on July 3, delivered to the Foreign Minister Renato Ruggiero and then forwarded to the Heads of State and Government of the other G8 countries.
Funding: German Marshall Fund, Tokyo FounĀdation