New Pact for Europe

The project was launched by the King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium) and supported by a large transnational consortium of European foundations. Project partners included organisations from across Europe. In a nutshell, the goal of the New Pact for Europe project was (1) to foster a wider public debate on the EU’s future at both European and national level, involving not only policy-makers but also citizens; (2) to contribute fresh but also realistic thinking and ideas on how to address the challenges facing Europe; and (3) to help close widening gaps between Member States and even within EU countries about Europe’s future.
In the first phase of the project, the IAI organized three events in Italy in the first semester of 2014: (1) a public panel debate with media, NGOs and interested stakeholders and (2) a closed doors meeting with around 15 policy-makers, policy-shapers, opinion formers in Rome; and (3) a Citizens Advisory Group with a selected group of 25 citizens in Turin in collaboration with Centro Studi sul Federalismo.
Between 2016 and 2017, the IAI organised three events in Italy. In June 2016, the IAI arranged a roundtable with members of the National Reflection Group, including politicians, business and civil society representatives, academics and journalists. Then, in November 2016 a transnational meeting between the Italian and the Polish national reflection groups was held in Rome. In the first semester of 2017, the IAI has then organized a roundtable with members of the National Reflection Group to discuss about policy proposals and ideas on the future of the EU. In addition, the IAI took part to a series of events such as a transnational meeting in Berlin between the German and the Italian national reflection groups and two reflection meetings in Brussels to discuss the strategic options for the future of Europe.
As part of the final phase of the project, the IAI organized a final event, held in Rome on December 12th, to present the final report of the project .
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