New Perspectives on Shared Security - NATO next 70 years
2019 - 2019
In 2019, the IAI has collaborated with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the NATO Policy Planning Unit, together with Carnegie Europe to elaborate a report on future prospects of the Atlantic Alliance, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its foundation. In particular, the IAI research team prepared a chapter on the role of non-state actors in Africa and in the Middle East and NATO's approach in this regards, in the framework of a collective publication edited by Carnegie Europe. The topic was the subject of the closed-door workshop "Dealing with non-state actors: which policies, which tools?", which involved about 30 experts and practitioners. At the same time, the IAI organised the conference "70 Years of NATO: Italian Priorities for the Future of the Atlantic Alliance" that took place in Rome on 13 June 2019, with Formiche as media partner. Political, institutional and private sector representatives participated in the event to reflect on the Italian role in NATO through in a public debate aimed to reach a wider audience. The main elements of the debate were summarised in a report.