Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess - OCEAN2020

The project “Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess” - OCEAN2020 – was one of the first call of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research devoted to funding research in the defence field and managed by the European Defence Agency (EDA). The three-year project aimed at boosting technological research in the naval domain, also by the integration of unmanned platforms – areal, surface and submarine – in surveillance and interdiction missions. OCEAN 2020 foresaw not only complex simulations, but also two live demonstrations: in the Mediterranean Sea in 2019 and in the Baltic sea in 2020, coordinated by the Italian Navy and the Swedish Navy, respectively. Within the project, IAI supported the communication and dissemination activities with reference to main results, impact assessment and formulation of recommendations. The consortium was led by Leonardo and comprises 42 partners from 15 European countries, including European industrial partners, national institutions and research centres.
Funding: European Union