Towards the COP26: a 'green recovery' for a sustainable and prosperous world
The project promoted an informed debate in view of the high-level international events guided or co-led by Italy in 2021, a decisive year for climate action: the G20, the 'Youth4Climate 2020: Driving Ambition' youth summit, the Pre-COP26/COP 26 negotiations, the ministerial conference on Africa's climate and environmental challenges. The aim of the project was to provide an original analysis of the opportunities and challenges at stake in the coming months in light of the significant socio-economic impact of the pandemic and the imperative to reconcile sustainability and economic prosperity. Given the close collaboration and triangulation of presidencies between Italy and the UK in 2021 (G7, G20 and COP 26), a UK partner (the think tank E3G) was involved in the work. The project consisted of five policy-oriented research papers by IAI researchers, the organisation of ad hoc working groups on specific topics and a public closing event at the end of the project.
Funding: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI); Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
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