
  • 28/04/2020

    The COVID-19 emergency cannot be allowed to (re)define our identity and interests as Europeans, erecting barriers or trade wars. A group of young students in Italy have...
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  • 20/04/2020

    ‪On Covid19 we're still challenged at home & still need more solidarity within the EU. But Europe must also support its neighbors & global organizations...
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  • 10/04/2020

    EU IDEA is launching “Framing Brexit: EU IDEA visual and video award”, aimed at giving the opportunity to young people to express through visual artworks how they are...
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  • 10/04/2020

    The COVID 19 pandemic poses a challenge to the European Union in different fields, from economics, to security, to sustainable development. Starting from security, the Italian armed...
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  • 03/04/2020

    A new investigation by Greenpeace Italy’s Investigative Unit revealed that nearly half of Italian plastic waste sent to Malaysia was illegally shipped to plants devoid of an “approved permit” in the...
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  • 01/04/2020

    The coronavirus pandemic is affecting more than half a billion people globally, which was the record of the Spanish flu in 1918-1919. Confronted with an unprecedented health crisis, the...
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  • 26/03/2020

    In recent years, the proliferation of dual-use drones has increased the intensity of the hybrid and asymmetric threat these products may pose. Their technological development has not...
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  • 09/03/2020

    The coronavirus pandemic is affecting more than half a billion people globally, which was the record of the Spanish flu in 1918-1919. Confronted with an unprecedented health crisis, the...
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  • 05/03/2020

    IAI has been monitoring the developments around COVID-19 carefully. In compliance with the provisions of the national authorities, all public events are suspended until new government...
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  • 24/02/2020

    The deadline to participate in the IAI Prize competition "Young Talents for Italy, Europe and the World” has been extended to 3 May 2020. This year’s topic is: "The Planet, Europe and I: how to combat climate...
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  • 21/02/2020

    After a night of bilateral talks, the difficult negotiations on the next seven-year budget of the European Union continue, while the Commission unveils an ambitious digital...
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  • 14/02/2020

    In a context of international security troubled by US decisions to withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Iran and the INF treaty with Russia, start troops withdrawals...
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  • 10/02/2020

    The European Commission has put forward a new strategy for enlargement in the Balkans, with greater involvement of member states. Will this be enough to overcome the...
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  • 30/01/2020

    Almost 4 years after the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, Brexit will become effective. With the initial transition period, which will end on 31 December of this...
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  • 24/01/2020

    IAI launches the third edition of the IAI PrizeYoung Talents for Italy, Europe and the World”, dedicated to young people. The topic selected for this edition is: "...
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