
  • 03/04/2019

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will turn 70 this week, amid celebrations in Washington. Established on April 4 1949 by 12 Western states, it...
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  • 01/04/2019

    President Trump’s announcement that the US should recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, land Israel seized from Syria in the 1967 war...
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  • 28/03/2019

    The need for a rapid but orderly energy transition calls for significant political, economic and social changes at both the European and global levels, in order to reap the benefits and...
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  • 25/03/2019

    The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and LUISS School of Government launch a new Master programme (first level Master) on Euro-Mediterranean Affairs. Learn about emerging dynamics...
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  • 20/03/2019

    Europe is divided regarding the future of European air forces and aerospace industries. The Franco-German FCAS project and the British "Tempest"...
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  • 15/03/2019

    Theresa May has written to the European Union seeking a brief delay to Brexit until 30 June. The decision came after the House of Commons had taken all...
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  • 14/03/2019

    As President Xi Jinping arrives in Italy today, the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between Italy and China on the Belt and Road Initiative may help Beijing...
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  • 11/03/2019

    In no small part as a result of the government’s posture on the EU, Italy appears to be more isolated than ever in Europe. In the run-up to the May European elections, Rome seems to be...
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  • 11/03/2019

    On Monday, 11 March, in a press release, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika - back in his country after two weeks in hospital in Switzerland - announced his...
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  • 06/03/2019

    Exploratory drilling has found up to 8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off the coast of Cyprus. It is the world’s third biggest discovery in two years and has opened up new...
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  • 01/03/2019

    “The Middle East and the EU: New Realities, New Policies" at Egmont Palace, an event presenting the results of two H2020 research projects, Menara and Medreset...
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  • 25/02/2019

    In response to the Venezuelan crisis, Italy has called for new elections soon in the country, but has not joined EU allies in recognizing Juan Guaidó as interim president. Italy's...
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  • 18/02/2019

    Nathalie Tocci, back from the Munich Security Conference, where she chaired the first panels, talks about the main messages and lessons of the conference. The...
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  • 13/02/2019

    In a context of international security troubled by US decisions to withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Iran and the INF treaty with Russia, start troops withdrawals...
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  • 11/02/2019

    The EU plays a multi-layered role in the governance of the Sahel. The application of its strategy is however at the experimental level and is conditioned by short-term needs, such as...
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