
  • 10/06/2019

    The Istituto Affari Internazionali, on behalf of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium, is organizing a “Next Generation Workshop” open to 12 young researchers and professionals working in...
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  • 09/06/2019

    Following the European Parliament elections and a few months into the "Fridays for Future" demonstrations, the debate on the decarbonisation of our economies has reached the top of the...
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  • 04/06/2019

    Climate concerns are rising at the European level among both institutions and citizens, whose support for climate action is growing stronger. Four years after the launch of the ...
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  • 31/05/2019

    To strengthen transatlantic cooperation and deepen understanding of the challenges facing Italy, Europe, and the United States, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the German Marshall...
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  • 28/05/2019

    The International Affairs Institute has contributed to the 12-point document in the "Task Force on Cooperation in Greater Europe". The text lists a series of actions that the ...
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  • 27/05/2019

    1. New military technology is inevitable and can be stabilising. 2. But destabilising military technologies are appearing and proliferating at speed. 3. This is serious. It is a very difficult systems problem.  It...
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  • 16/05/2019

    EU climate policy is a key priority for next week’s European elections. Yet, EU reforms and climate action do not necessarily go hand in hand. The debate on the future of Europe will...
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  • 15/05/2019

    The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is looking for a Rome-based Editor for its publications and communiqués, who would also be the Managing Editor of its most prominent publication, The...
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  • 10/05/2019

    On 9 May, Europe Day, EU leaders gathered in Sibiu, Romania, to discuss the EU's strategic agenda for the 2019-2024 period . In the joint report, the result of a one-...
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  • 08/05/2019

    One year after the US's unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran, 21 directors and senior researchers from leading European think tanks highlight the...
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  • 07/05/2019

    Presented in New York the annual report of the Council of Councils on the state of international cooperation, to which the IAI also contributed. The Coc is a network...
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  • 02/05/2019

    14% of the world's population lives in sub-Saharan Africa, but also 60% of the people on the planet who do not have access to electricity. Starting out from the book "Empowering...
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  • 24/04/2019

    There are many constraints on the development of a European political space, however the mobilisation of the nationalist right might give the current election ...
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  • 18/04/2019

    Rome welcomes Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede, an icon of the struggle against climate change to protect the planet. After attending the Pope's audience at St....
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  • 08/04/2019

    Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, is in Brussels for the 21st China-EU summit. The meeting follows the visit by President Xi Jinping to...
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