In a new paper published in the framework of the Global Turkey in Europe project run by IAI, the Istanbul Policy Center and the Mercator...
Despite tremendous government pressure, Turkey’s vibrant civil society has the potential to help the country confront deep political and social problems. It is...
The Center for American Progress, the Istanbul Policy Center, and the Istituto Affari Internazionali held the public launch of the first report from Turkey 2023: A Trilateral Task Force, entitled...
IAI publications in the Global Turkey in Europe series focus on the country's recent elections, Turkey-Kurdish relations,...
Three IAI publications from the Global Turkey in Europe project focus on the challenges and opportunities confronting the...
8th meeting of the IAI Global Outlook, new edition on "La Turchia nello scenario economico globale: riflessioni sul futuro dei rapporti con la UE e l'Italia",...
A Global Turkey in Europe policy brief analyses EU-Turkey economic relations and EU-US negotiations for a Transatlantic...
Second meeting of the IAI Laboratory's Global Outlook, new edition, on "Il Mediterraneo e il nuovo protagonismo della Turchia", with Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Associate Professor at the...