News > European Union

The opportunity for a green recovery in the post Covid-19 crisis requires long-term commitments and policies. The G20 is in an ideal position to...


Beyond the media frenzy surrounding the appointment of Mario Draghi as prime minister, the incoming premier will face challenges as he seeks to implement the...


The spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic and social consequences have radically changed the reality of the 27 European Union member states. After...


Submit your essay within 16 May - The fourth edition of the IAI Prize , a competition aimed at young people...


European Strategic Autonomy is an increasingly significant and controversial guiding concept for the European Union (EU) at a time of geopolitical tensions and economic transformation. It refers...


Strategic autonomy remains a dominant concept, as discussed in the European Council. The IAI Report on European strategic autonomy, necessary in...


The Istituto Affari Internazionali will host a public webinar on the 10th anniversary of the Syrian uprising to assess where the country stands...


UK's government published the paper “Global Britain in a Competitive Age. The integrated Review of Security, Development and Foreign Policy”. The statement points at UK's post-Brexit...


Over the past year the atmosphere of EU-Turkey relations has become tense over the Eastern Mediterranean. Many expect the incoming US administration to change the...


A talk with Clément Beaune (French Secretary of State for European Affairs) and Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (President, IAI).
Chair: Francesco De Leo ...
