News > European Union

The urgency of tackling the public health crisis and its economic consequences spurred EU member states towards to deeper integration. The European Central Bank...


The T20 has established itself as a global forum for reviewing evidence-based policies and proposals while helping refine and promote the G20’s shared objectives...


Differentiated integration has been and will remain a necessity if Europe wants to overcome stalemate and improve the functioning of the European integration process. According to...


The race to battle Covid-19 and secure personal protective equipment, ventilators and vaccines, aggravated by both nationalist monopolistic policies and the rise...


The launch of the EU Global Strategy in 2016 raised many expectations concerning the willingness and ability to reconcile European normative agenda with its interests. In setting...


The IAI, in cooperation with the Istituto di Studi Federalisti Altiero Spinelli, the Centro Studi sul Federalismo and the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, organizes the seminar “Da Ventotene al futuro...


The world economy has changed considerably over recent years. The US-China conflict dominates today’s international stage. Given these shifts in the international...


This Policy Dialogue aims at discussing EU enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans after the European Council failure to open accession...


After a decade of crises, the EU seems to have weathered the storms and to be back on track. Over the past year, the EU has taken measures and pushed its boundaries on a number of...


Differentiation has become a feature of the European integration process. Depending on the form it takes and how it relates to the overarching European Union's system, it can be a...
