News > European Union

"The European Union is in the midst of the worst crisis of the last decades, an internal crisis that is affecting the development of a coherent foreign policy, forcing European countries to change...


The European Union has shown that the way to exit the crisis is by working together. The Fiscal Compact is proof. This is what Enzo Moavero, Italian Minister for European Affairs, claimed while...


Seminar on "Reviving EU-Turkey relations: Visa free travel for Turkish citizens", in cooperation with Esi


Expert seminar on "How to strengthen the EU as a global player – Italy and Germany in the driver’s seat?", in coopration with Iep


"Brainstorming meeting on the granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU", in cooperation with the European Federalist Movement-Rome section and the European Press Club


Conference on "Quale futuro per l’Europa della difesa?", in coopration with ISPI


Reforms implemented in response to the sovereign debt crisis affecting the European Union (EU) and particularly the euro area since 2008 have transformed European governance considerably. The...
