News > European Union

Within the context of the Global Turkey in Europe project jointly run by the IAI, the IPC, and Stiftung Mercator, the Istituto Affari Internazionali organized a conference with Kemal Derviş, the...


A Global Turkey in Europe policy brief analyses EU-Turkey economic relations and EU-US negotiations for a Transatlantic...


Presentation of the second report of the project "New Pact for Europe" organized by the King Baudouin Foundation in Brussels and supported by a consortium of European foundations in collaboration...


Seminar on "France's foreign policy: helping or hampering EU foreign policy?"


A IAI volume argues for a replacement of the ‘invisible hand’ of the market with the ‘visible hand’ of a European policy...


Seminar on "Europe in the world" organized by IAI in the framework of Ceps Ideas Labs


"L’eurozona alla ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio", presentation of a study edited by Marcello Messori, Luiss, and by his research team


Today as always, the construction of Europe and the deepening of integration cannot be achieved without a close and engaging relationship between Germany and Italy. Well aware of this, and...


There are five priorities for building a fairer and more thriving Europe: the single market; a banking union; trade agreements with the United States; investments in research and development; and...


Ukraine has no plan B, but only a plan A foreseeing the Association Agreement with the European Union. After the declaration of independence from the Soviet Union, this is the second most...
