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Manuel Herrera


Manuel Herrera is a researcher in the IAI's Multilateralism and Global governance programme, where he co-manages the Institute's activities within the EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC) and conducts research activities in the field of non-proliferation and disarmament. Manuel is associate editor of IAI’s series IAI Commentaries.
He has been a research assistant in the nuclear security programme at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, India. He has worked at the Office of Geopolitical Analysis of the Spanish Ministry of Defence. He was a intern of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium, within the "Next Generation" programme at the Institute for Foreign and International Policy (INCIPE) in Madrid. Finally, he was a non-doctoral fellow at the Centre for International Studies in Lisbon, as well as a visiting researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. In addition, he is a regular contributor to magazines, newspapers and strategic offices where he also deals with the issues mentioned above.
He holds a Master's degree in International Security from the Institute of International Studies of Barcelona (IBEI) and a PhD from the King Juan Carlos University of Madrid in the Social and Legal Sciences programme, research line of Public International Law and International Relations.

His publications include:




In the media