Publications > Ue, politica e istituzioni, Mediterraneo + Relazioni transatlantiche + Unione europea


Enlarging to the Western Balkans. The EU Must Correct Its (Political) Math

Zoran Nechev, Matteo Bonomi

In: Other papers and articles

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Inventory of EUFSP-related Public and Elite Opinion Surveys

Pierangelo Isernia, Francesco Olmastroni, Rossella Borri

In: JOINT Papers JOINT Research Paper 10

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La Bussola strategica Ue e dodici sfide per l'Italia

Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones

In: Documenti IAI 22|06

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Reconciling EU Energy Security with Climate Policies: Rethinking European Gas Markets

Pier Paolo Raimondi, Margherita Bianchi

In: IAI Commentaries 22|26

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Why Ukraine (and Moldova) Must Become EU Candidates

Nathalie Tocci

In: IAI Papers 22|15

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The Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans

Matteo Bonomi

In: Other papers and articles

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Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe. An Assessment of Trends, Players and Action

Lorenzo Colantoni, Giulia Sofia Sarno, Margherita Bianchi

In: Other papers and articles

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The EU’s Engagement with Latin America: The Case of Colombia

Marcello Di Filippo

In: IAI Papers 22|10

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