Director: Riccardo Alcaro
IAI Working Papers reflect the work being conducted within IAI research projects and areas of expertise and are aimed at stimulating reactions from other experts in the field. They present concise analytical and/or policy-oriented analysis of topical issues in Italian, European and global affairs. N.B. The first digits in the catalogue number indicate the year and the last two the serial number). Identification code IAIWP AA NN: AA=publication year and NN=number of order.Guidelines for authors (EN, 30 kb).
Starting from 2018 this series continues as IAI Papers.
The EU and the Sahel: A Laboratory of Experimentation for the Security–Migration–Development Nexus
Bernardo Venturi
In: IAI Working Papers 17|38
Crisis and Breakdown: How Can the EU Foster Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa?
Andrea Dessì
In: IAI Working Papers 17|37
Qatar's Resilience Strategy and Implications for State-Society Relations
Abdullah Baabood
In: IAI Working Papers 17|36
The Innovations of the Italian White Paper
Ester Sabatino
In: IAI Working Papers 17|34
Egypt in Transition: Challenges of State and Societal Resilience
Eman Ragab
In: IAI Working Papers 17|32
Challenges and Stakes of State and Societal Resilience in Tunisia
Mohamed Kerrou
In: IAI Working Papers 17|31