Director: Riccardo Alcaro
IAI Working Papers reflect the work being conducted within IAI research projects and areas of expertise and are aimed at stimulating reactions from other experts in the field. They present concise analytical and/or policy-oriented analysis of topical issues in Italian, European and global affairs. N.B. The first digits in the catalogue number indicate the year and the last two the serial number). Identification code IAIWP AA NN: AA=publication year and NN=number of order.
Guidelines for authors (EN, 30 kb).
Starting from 2018 this series continues as IAI Papers.
Turkey's African Experience: From Venture to Normalisation
Mehmet Özkan
In: IAI Working Papers 16|20
The Role of Gulf States in Peace and Security and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw
In: IAI Working Papers 16|19
Strengthening the EU's External Action: The Need for an EU Food Diplomacy?
Daniele Fattibene
In: IAI Working Papers 16|17
Brexit and the Future of the United Kingdom
Etain Tannam
In: IAI Working Papers 16|16
Oil Price Volatility and the Implications for European Foreign and Security Policy
Nicolò Sartori
In: IAI Working Papers 16|15
A New EU Strategic Approach to Global Development, Resilience and Sustainability
Bernardo Venturi, Damien Helly
In: IAI Working Papers 16|14
Critical Juncture in Cyprus Negotiations
Nilgün Arısan Eralp, Atila Eralp
In: IAI Working Papers 16|13