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More diverse than united? A comparative analysis of the EU elections 2024

2024 - 2024

In June 2024, EU citizens head to the polls for the 10th time to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. How are political parties addressing today’s complex challenges in their programmes and electoral campaigns – and how do they differ in doing so? Which topics dominate the debates? How will the results affect the balance of power in the next European Parliament and other EU institutions? What will the policy implications be? In this project, we seek to answer these questions by focusing on a number of key member states in comparative perspective.

Together with several European think tanks and research organisations we monitor, compare, and analyse on the basis of a common methodological approach the election campaigns and results in four major member states – France, Germany, Italy, and Poland. We also discuss the aggregated results from an EU-level perspective.

IAI leads the research on the electoral campaign in Italy and on its policy implications for the next EU institutional cycle.

Funding: Das Progressive Zentrum

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