News > European Union

Transitioning towards a more sustainable world and a net-zero emission society is the big challenge that governments, institutions and companies are called to take up. This has become even more...


EU-Turkey relations have further deteriorated since the accession process has been frozen. The latest and most acute crisis is now playing out in the Eastern Mediterranean where the Greek-Turkish...


IAI organizes an intensive training course (12 November - 10 December) aimed at increasing the competencies and operational skills to work in the analysis and...


In March 2019, The Council of the EU established a “High-level Group of Wise Persons on the European financial architecture for development” with the aim to collect an independent view on...


A key element of the reform of the governance of the European Monetary Union (EMU) currently being discussed is the prevention and management of sovereign debt crises. While there is wide...


How much confidence do Italians have in the European Union? And what are their views about its policies? This is the main theme of the recent opinion survey carried out by the Institute for...


The 12th edition of IAI's Transatlantic Symposium took place on 5 November 2020. The event was held online due to travel and convening restrictions imposed by governments across Europe and the US...


IAI on behalf of EU Non-proliferation and Disarmament Consortium is hosting 2020 EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Next Generation Workshop....


IAI researchers will participate in the 5th EU-Arab World Summit on 9 and 10 November 2020, having organised two panel debates on EU policy towards Palestine and EU-Arab cooperation and the...


Webinar on the future of Europe in the light of the uncertain results of the US election as well.


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