News > European Union

While Italy is struggling to recover from the more acute phase of the Covid-19 epidemic, the government is facing a number of burning foreign policy issues. In addition to those that concern Italy...


Pro-active ideas are needed to bring the EU to a better place. How can the EU improve its crisis management tools, at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has turned into a global crisis,...


The deadline to participate in the IAI Prize competition "Young Talents for Italy, Europe and the World” has been extended to 3 May 2020. This year’s topic is: "The Planet, Europe and I:...


IAI launches the third edition of the IAI PrizeYoung Talents for Italy, Europe and the World”, dedicated to young people. The topic selected...


IAI launches the second edition of the IAI PrizeYoung Talents for Italy, Europe and the World”, dedicated to young people and awarded to the...


In the framework of our Memoradum of Understanding, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Munich Security Conference hosted the second digital...


On 27 April, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), in collaboration with the Munich Security Conference (MSC), hosted a MSC Digital Conversation between...


The 11th edition of IAI's Transatlantic Security Symposium took place in Rome on 28 October 2019 at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The closed-door workshop...


‪On Covid19 we're still challenged at home & still need more solidarity within the EU. But Europe must also support its neighbors &...


The COVID 19 pandemic poses a challenge to the European Union in different fields, from economics, to security, to sustainable development. Starting from security...
