News > European Union

Paradoxically, Israel’s threat of annexation of part of the West Bank should be viewed as an opportunity to focus on a decades-...


In the wake of the contested parliamentary elections and democratic backsliding in Serbia, what future for the EU's Enlargement policy in the...


The European Green Deal, retained as the fundamental pillar in the post-COVID-19 recovery by the Commission, is a very ambitious project to be translated into targeted legislative,...


On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization officially defined the epidemic crisis generated by COVID-19 as “pandemic”. What do Italians think of the action of the government and of the...


Although the world currently seems to be "on hold" due to the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicts are continuing, often in their full intensity, but with diminished international attention. This...


This workshop brings together the contributors to the forthcoming volume EU Security Relations with Asian Powers. EAST, EU-Asia Security and Trade, is an international research network with Jean...


An energy system serving climate neutrality, such as the one envisaged by the EU Green Deal promoted by the Ursula von der Leyen...


The civil war in Syria has entered into its 10th year, but the European Union remains on its sidelines. While committed to humanitarian needs of Syrians, no re-assessment of EU’s policies...


IAI launches the third edition of the IAI PrizeYoung Talents for Italy, Europe and the World”, dedicated to young people. The topic selected...


The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and the Munich Security Conference hosted the third virtual debate bringing together members of Parliament from Italy and...
