News > European Union

Public debate in cooperation with La Stampa, and Villa Vigoni.

Mara Carfagna
Guglielmo Picchi
Nathalie Tocci

Francesca Sforza


Public debate in cooperation with La Stampa, Compagnia di San Paolo and Villa Vigoni.

Emma Bonino
Michele Valensise
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci


The rise of a nationalist agenda that promotes a vision of national sovereignty as hardly compatible with shared governance mechanisms is transforming the political landscape in Europe and...


One month since Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy, the International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the Nctm Law Firm, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, are pleased to organise a...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


The rise of China, uncertainties of a more multipolar global order and challenges to globalisation call for a rethink of how Europe is engaging Asia. This rethink has been ongoing, with the...


The conference - jointly organized by IAI and T.wai - aims to provide participants with insights on current dynamics in Southeast Asia and on ASEAN-EU relations, including a discussion of...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


The need for a rapid but orderly energy transition implies significant political, economic and social changes at both the European and global levels, in order to reap its benefits and maintain...
