News > European Union

The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


At a time when Turkey’s political connections to the European Union have been frayed and official channels of communications have effectively been blocked, civil society offers an important...


Public debate in cooperation with La Stampa, Teatro Verdi and Villa Vigoni.

Sergio Battelli
Nathalie Tocci
Michele Valensise



A conversation between Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and Francesca Paci, Journalist of "La Stampa"

Opening remarks by
Ettore Greco,...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


Theresa May has written to the European Union seeking a brief delay to Brexit until 30 June. The decision came after the House of Commons...


The IAI has launched a programme for training and involvement of university and high school students on major international issues. Here are the first meetings of the road show in the main...


Public debate in cooperation with Audible, La Stampa, Teatro di Roma and Villa Vigoni.

Carlo Cottarelli
Maurizio Molinari
Nathalie Tocci
Michele Valensise...


Conference with Nathalie Loiseau, French Minister in charge of European Affairs

"International talks" organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and La Stampa to discuss the...
